Board of Directors
The Board of Directors has the broadest attributes for the management, administration and representation of the Company, and except for matters reserved to the competence of the General Meeting, it is the highest decision-making body of the Company.
Composition of the board of directors

Chairman of the Board of Directors, of the Delegated Committee and of the Strategy Committee. State Attorney on leave of absence. He has been Secretary General - Deputy General Director of the Bank and Chief Risk Officer (CRO) prior to his appointment as President, depending on him the General Secretary, Risk Control, Legal Advice, Tax Advice, Regulatory Compliance, Service Customer Service and Security, at the same time that he held the positions of President of Ibercaja Pension EGFP, SAU and Ibercaja Gestión S.G.I.I.C., S.A, as well as a member of the Board of the Henneo Group and Aramon on behalf of the Bank. Previously, he was CEO of Banco Grupo Cajatres, S.A. piloting the merger by absorption of this Bank into Ibercaja Banco, S.A. The current President of the Bank began his professional career at Ibercaja as Head of the Legal Department of the then Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja on January 1st, 2000, participating in numerous Internal Committees; in May 2007, he was appointed Deputy Director and Director of Legal Advice, which he made compatible with the Secretary of numerous councils of different Companies such as "EBN Banco de Negocios, S.A.", "Aramón Montañas de Aragón, S.A." among others.

CEO of the Bank and Member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. He holds a degree in Economics and Business from the University of Zaragoza completing his training at several business banks in London. Appointed Assistant General Director in January 2010, he has been a member of its Management Committee since May 2001. Prior to his appointment as CEO, he held the Management of several strategic areas of Ibercaja Banco including the Capital Market, Credit Investments and Business area that integrated the management of the Branch Network, Marketing and Multichannel Banking, Business Banking and Financial Group Area Division. In addition, he has represented Ibercaja in numerous participating companies: member of the Board of Directors of Heraldo de Aragón, member of the Business Strategy Committee of CASER and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ibercaja Mediación de Seguros S.A.U., among others. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors, the Risk Committee and the Audit Committee of CECABANK as well as a member of the Board of Directors of CASER.

Member of the Board of Directors, the Strategy Committee, the Compensation Committee, and the Appointments Committee of the Bank. She has a PhD in Computer Science and Systems Engineering and a degree in Mathematics from the University of Zaragoza. Master’s in business administration (MBA) from IE Business School. Founding partner and CEO of Bitbrain Technologies. Previously, she was a professor and researcher at the University of Zaragoza that she combined with research stays in Germany and the United States. She is a member of the board of trustees of the Aitiip Technology Center, advisory member of the plenary session of the Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce, Netexplo Expert, Observatory on digital innovation sponsored by UNESCO, member of the Think Tank of the More Business Ecosystem, Godmother in the Innovatia 8.3 program of the Institute of the woman. She combines her usual activity with her assistance as a visiting professor at different Business Schools such as ESADE, IE Business School and at Spanish public universities, teaching "Behavioral Economics, Consumer Neuroscience and Technological Innovation". He has received numerous recognitions on a personal level such as the ADEA Award for innovation or the ASTER Award for the best Entrepreneur and also more than fifteen national and international awards to Bitbrain Technologies such as: the Creative Business Cup, Ibero-American Award for Innovation, ICT Best company among others.

Member of the Board of Directors, the Strategy Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Appointments Committee of the Bank.
State attorney on leave.
Currently, she is a founding partner of the Salama-García Blanco law firm; Independent director of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A., President of its Sustainability and Quality Committee and Member of its Regulation and Institutional Affairs, and Appointments, Remuneration and Good Governance Committees; President of the Committee of Experts of 65YMAS.COM; Arbitrator at the Spanish Court of Arbitration, the Madrid Court of Arbitration and the Civil and Mercantile Court of Arbitration -CIMA- and Member of the CIMA Governance and Control Commission.
From 2002 to 2013, she was Deputy Director General of Constitutional and Human Rights, State Attorney-Head of the Department of Constitutional and Human Rights and Coordinator-head of the Spanish Delegation to the various United Nations Committees in Geneva and coordination activities and cooperation in the promotion and defense of human rights in Uruguay, Colombia, Chile and Guatemala. She was also Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Northern Agrarian Infrastructure State Society (SEISA DEL NORTE) and Secretary of its Audit and Control Commission; Director of the State Society for Agrarian Infrastructures (SEIASA), of the State Water Company of the Northern Basin (ACUANORTE) and of the State Water Company of the Basins of Spain (AcuaEs).

Member of the Board of Directors, of the Audit and Compliance Committee and of the Bank's Large Exposures and Solvency Committee. She is a university professor in the area of Financial Economics and Accounting. In addition, she is currently a Member of the Technical Advisory Committee (CAT) of the Ibex Indices since 2018. She was President of the Economic and Social Council of Aragon. At the academic level, she has held the positions of Vice-Rector for Planning, Quality and Resources at the University of Zaragoza, Director of the Official Master's Degree in Accounting and Finance at the University of Zaragoza, Delegate of the University at the Defense University Center (General Academy Military of Zaragoza). Previously, he was part of the Control Commission of the Savings Bank and Monte de Piedad of Zaragoza, Aragón and Rioja, member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Finance Association, of the Governing Council of the Technological Institute of Aragón, of the Governing Council of the Laboratory Subterráneo de Canfranc as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the Official College of Economists of Aragon. She also highlights her research facet, publishing in highly renowned specialized magazines such as Financial Innovation, Quantitative Finance, Journal of Behavioral Finance among others.

Member of the Board of Directors of Ibercaja Banco, S.A. Degree in Law and Economic and Business Sciences. University of Deusto, 1971 and Master in Strategy from IESE. His professional career was developed occupying Senior Management positions such as the following: Managing Director of Azucarera de Ciudad Real, S.A .; Financial Director of Investee Companies in Banco de Bilbao for ten years or CEO of VTS Compañía Constructora, S.A.; in 1994 he is co-founder, as well as Partner and Director of the Strategic Foresight Institute in which he carries out innumerable prospective works, forming part of multiple international associations such as: "Membre associé of the association of Futuribles International", "Professional Membership of the World Future Society, Bethseda, Maryland, USA”; “Member of the Eurofore Database of the European Commission Foresight, of the University of Manchester” and co-founding member of the Spanish Node of the UN Millennium Project.

Chair of the Audit and Compliance Committee. Member of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and Large Risk and Solvency Committee. PhD in Economics and Business from the University of Valencia. He is a Professor of Financial Economics and Accounting at the University of Zaragoza. Chartered accountant and Auditor enroled in ROAC. He has been a Member of the Board of Directors (1998-2006) and Chair of the Control Committee (2006-2008) of the Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza, Aragón and Rioja. He has also been a director of several companies, including SODIAR (1998-2008), Avalia (2008-2012) and Corporación de Empresas Públicas de Aragón (2008-2012).

Member of the Board of Directors, the Audit and Compliance Committee, and the Appointments and Remuneration Committees. He has held senior management positions in commercial companies (Grupo Agora and Grupo Hierros Alfonso). He is the Deputy Chairman of the Regional Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Aragón (CEOE Aragon), Chairman of its Economics Committee, Chairman of the Association for the Progress of the Directorate of Aragón (APD) and Councillor of the Economic and Social Council of Spain.

Chair of the Large Risk and Solvency Committee. Member of the Audit and Compliance Committee and the Executive Committee, he holds a degree in Economics and Business from the University of Zaragoza (Spain), diploma in General Management from IESE School of Business and Chartered Accountant, registered in the Official Register of Account Auditors. Gold medal from the Aragon Association of Economists. He has been Patron of the ETNOR Foundation - Ethics of Business- and the Foundation for Stock and Financial Studies (FEBF). He was Managing Partner of the Areas of Aragón and Rioja, and of the Community of Valencia and Murcia of DELOITTE, S.L. until 2013. Professor of Business Management in university degrees and MBA taught by EDEM School of Entrepreneurs.

Member of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Large Risk and Solvency Committee and the Strategy Commitee. He holds a Bachelor's degree and PhD in Mathematics, in 1987 he completed an advanced course in international finance, the IESE PDD Management Development Programme (course 96/97) as well as the Senior Management Programme of the Instituto de Empresa in 2005. He worked professionally in the Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza, Aragón and Rioja (CAMPZAR), until its financial activity was segregated in Ibercaja Banco: Capital Market Operator, Head of Treasury, appointed Deputy Director (May 2001), Head of Resources (December 1997 to 31 July 2002), Deputy Director (June 2004), Marketing Director (July 2002 to October 2011). In January 2010 he was appointed Assistant General Manager and in October 2011 (with the segregation of CAMPZAR's financial activity at Ibercaja Banco) he held the Management of the Financial Area, a position he held until February 2015, when he was appointed Deputy to the CEO. In addition, he has held various management positions in companies of the Ibercaja Financial Group: Ibercaja Pensión E.G.F.P., S.A., Ibercaja Gestión S.G.I.I.C., S.A. and Ibercaja Vida Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.; property development investees (Ibercaja Servicios Inmobiliarios and Cerro Murillo, S.A.) Outside the Ibercaja Group he has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Euro 6000, S.A., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Viacajas and Member of the Board of Directors of EBN Banco de Negocios, S.A. as well as a member of the Board of Ahorro Corporación.

Member of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Appointments and Remuneration Committees and member of the Large Risk and Solvency Committee. She holds a degree in Economics and Business from University of Deusto (Bilbao). From 1980 she held various posts and positions at the Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad in Zaragoza, Aragón and Rioja (CAMPZAR) until its financial activity was segregated in favour of Ibercaja Banco in October 2011: Head of the Department of Analytical and Budgetary Accounting (1987-1999), Head of the Department of Information Systems and Management Control (1999-2004) and as Director of Information Systems and Management Control (June 2004 to September 2011). She was subsequently appointed Deputy Director General of the Bank (Control Department), a position she held until 1 March 2017She has held administrative positions in various companies of the Ibercaja Group (Member of the Board of Directors of the management company Ibercaja Gestión S.G.I.I.C., S.A. member and Chair of the insurance and reinsurance company Ibercaja Vida, Chair of the pension fund management company Ibercaja; Member and Chair of the Board of Directors of Tipo Línea S.A., Chair of Servicios Financieros a Distancia IBD, S.L. and Ibercaja Servicios Inmobiliarios, and member of the Board of Ibercaja Participaciones Empresariales and Gestión de Inmuebles Salduvia).
Secretary (Non-Board)
D. Jesús Barreiro Sanz
All the nominations to the Board of Directors has been adopted with a favourable report by the Appointments Committee.
The Directors have the obligation to adopt the measures that are necessary to avoid any situations in which there may be a conflict of interest with the business and their duties to the Entity, as it is stipulated by Article 33 Board of Directors Regulation.
The Entity has a procedures manual for the authorization and communication of loans, warranties and endorsements to the Entity's senior officers (directors, senior management personnel and persons related to them), as well as controls that warn of possible conflicts of interest and prevent the contracting of financial transactions without the pertinent authorizations.
In accordance with the aforementioned procedures, the granting of loans, warranties and endorsements to the members of the Board of Directors or to their general managers or similar persons requires the prior authorization of the competent supervisor. For these purposes, temporary transactions, such as overdrafts or credit card debit balances, are not considered as loans, guarantees or sureties, provided that the amount drawn down is within the usual limits for this type of contract. In order to avoid potential conflicts of interests, in those cases in which the approving board is the Board of Directors and the interested party is a member of said Board, the resolution shall be adopted without the participation of the interested party.
In addition to the information required by current regulations on the terms and conditions of the transaction and its financial characteristics, the request for authorization of the transaction shall be accompanied by a report from the Regulatory Compliance Department, which shall include:
- Confirmation that the operation has been approved by the competent body following the corresponding analysis and valuation procedure for operations of the same nature.
- Confirmation that the operation does not interfere with the appropriate distribution of responsibilities within the organization.
- Confirmation that the characteristics of the transaction for which authorization is requested, particularly in terms of amount, term, interest rate and guarantees, are consistent with the risk policy approved by the Board of Directors.
If thirty calendar days have elapsed since the submission of the application without the competent authority having taken a decision in this respect, the authorization may be deemed to have been granted. When additional information has been requested from the applicant, the period shall be counted from the time when such information is received by the competent authority.
Prior authorization from the supervisor shall not be required -although the granting of the credit, guarantee or collateral shall be communicated a posteriori, on an immediate basis- if the credit, guarantee or collateral is:
a) Is covered by the collective bargaining agreements entered into between the credit institution and all its employees.
b) It is carried out by virtue of contracts whose conditions are standardized and are applied en masse and on a regular basis to a large number of customers, provided that the amount granted to the same person, to their relatives up to the second degree or to the companies in which these persons hold a controlling interest equal to or greater than 15%, or of whose board they form part, does not exceed 200,000 euros.