Shareholders and Investors: Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory Compliance



Being within the Spanish financial system, Ibercaja Banco has established specific policies regarding the prevention of money laundering and the funding of terrorism in order to avoid being used for the channelling of funds from illegal activities and to fulfil the entity's legal obligations.

Ibercaja Banco is configured as a Spanish financial institution whose activity is essentially aimed at the retail client; almost the entirety of their business is undertaken in Spain. The headquarters is in Zaragoza, is overseen by the Bank of Spain (SEPBLAC) and is subject, among others, to Law 10/2010, dated 28 April, on the prevention of money laundering and the funding of terrorism. It is also subject to other legislation and regulations corresponding to the financial system, in addition to European Union Directives and Regulations.

In the area of risk management with regard to money laundering, the Entity has a technical unit for the prevention of money laundering and the funding of terrorism. This unit is responsible for implementing a money laundering and terrorism funding prevention programme to cover all activities undertaken by the bank, in accordance with the action lines, principles and recommendations made by the regulators on this matter; this also includes the references established by the FATF, to which Spain belongs.

The aforementioned programme includes the following references:

- Written policies and procedures, approved by the Governing Body.

- A representative on the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Infractions (SEPBLAC), who is responsible for supervising compliance with the current legislation on this matter.

- A focus based on risk evaluation and management to counter laundering, inherent to the nature of the business undertaken by the Entity.

- A risk-based client classification programme, with identification, verification and recognition procedures for the same, which includes the following features:

  • Client identification and acceptance (admission) policy.
  • Implementation of official public lists of terrorists or connected groups.
  • Additional due diligence measures for the correspondent bank, people in positions of public responsibility and those clients who present an increased risk.
  • Forbidden to work with 'front companies' or 'shell banks'.

- Risk-based systems and procedures to monitor accounts and activities of all clients.

- Internal procedures for the analysis and communication of suspicious operations to the relevant police or judicial authorities.

- Continuous training programmes for all employees and members of the Entity.

- Independent review or audit aimed at the control and oversight of suitable implementation of the policies and procedures in the area of prevention of money laundering and the funding of terrorism.

- Cooperation with the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Infractions (SEPBLAC), in accordance with the legally established requirements.

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