List of Other relevant information
Found 101 matches with search.
On business and financial situation20-05-2024
Ibercaja Banco announces the early redemption of its Senior Debt issuance with ISIN ES0344251006
On financial instruments13-05-2024
The Company announces the review of its credit rating carried out by Fitch Ratings
On credit ratings07-05-2024
The Company submits presentation on its 1Q2024 results
On business and financial situation07-05-2024
La Entidad remite nota de prensa sobre los resultados del primer trimestre de 2024
On business and financial situation30-04-2024
The Company announces the review of its credit rating carried out by S&P Global Ratings
On credit ratings27-04-2024
Ibercaja announces the financial targets set out in its new Strategic Plan 2024-2026
On business and financial situation19-03-2024
The Company announces the review of its credit rating carried out by Moody's Investors Service
On credit ratings01-03-2024
La Entidad remite nota de prensa sobre los resultados del ejercicio 2023
On business and financial situation30-01-2024
On financial instruments05-12-2023
The Company announces the review of its credit rating carried out by Moody´s Investors Service
On credit ratingsIn the case of any conflict between the Spanish and the English versions, the Spanish version shall prevail.