Collaboration Activities
- Ibercaja is one of the founding members of the Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA). Our commitment is to achieve emission neutrality in our lending and investment portfolios by 2050 or sooner.
- We have joined the Compromiso Empresarial para una Transición Justa, promoted by the CEOE, which was presented at the United Nations Climate Action Summit on 23rd October.
- The CEO of Ibercaja has signed the entity's accession to the New Deal For Europe initiative, "CEOs call to action", which has been presented to the European institutions as a sign of the European companies' commitment to sustainability.
- Ibercaja has acceded, showing its support for the recommendations of the Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosures, for the dissemination of climate-related financial information, promoted by the Financial Stability Board.
- Ibercaja renews its commitment to COEPLAN (Coalición de empresas por el planeta) an initiative launched by Ecodes in order to promote a low-carbon economy and circulate among Aragonese companies.
- Ibercaja signs the United Nations Principios de Banca Responsable. The Entity becomes part of a coalition made up of banks around the world whose purpose is to boost a sustainable development economy.
- Ibercaja attended the Cumbre del Cambio Climático COP25, joining the agreement reached by the main Spanish banks and all banks within the ECSC and the ICO, which aims to promote a more sustainable and low-emissions economy.